Artists All Around. Princeton Architectural Press. Fall 2025.

Life and Death of the American Worker: The Immigrants Taking on America's Largest Meatpacking Company. One Signal Publishers, an imprint of Simon & Schuster and Atria. September 3, 2024.

More or Less Dead: Feminicide, Haunting, and the Ethics of Representation in Mexico. University of Arizona Press. March 2015.   


Introduction. El Paso del Norte by photographer Alejandro Luperca Morales. The Velvet Cell. 2024. 

Lee Anderson, Jon, Alice Driver and Marcela Turati. Red Flag. Foto Evidence. 2021. 


Cardona,  Julián. Abecedario de Juárez: An Illustrated LexiconTrans. Alice Driver. University of Texas Press. 2022. 

San Martin, Griselda. Tijuana. Trans. Alice Driver. KGP, 2019. *acquired for the permanent collection at the Museum of Modern Art


“The Road to Asylum.” Living with Precariousness. Ed. Christina Lee and Susan Leong. I.B. Tauris/Bloomsbury Academic. 2023.

“Que me manden a matar/ If They Send Someone to Kill Me.” What Things Cost: An Anthology for the People. Edited by Rebecca Gayle Howell, Ashley M. Jones and Emily Jalloul. A fundraiser for the Poor People’s Campaign. University of Kentucky Press. 2023.

"The Driest State." Food StoriesWriting That Stirs the PotBS Publishing. Spring 2023. 

"Introducción". La perla que se convertió en muro. Kike Gómez. Másquelibros. 2021. 

Driver et al. “Borders.” Catalog for painter Liu Xiaodong's exhibit at Dallas Contemporary. 2021. 

Driver et al. "A Survivor Centered Approach." Silence and Omissions: A Media Guide for Covering Gender-Based Violence. Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University. 2021.

Driver et al. “Tools of the Trade.” Silence and Omissions: A Media Guide for Covering Gender-Based Violence. Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University. 2021. 

Driver et al. "Lessons Learned from Gender-Based Violence Reporting.” Silence and Omissions: A Media Guide for Covering Gender-Based Violence. Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers University. 2021. 

“Journalistic Depictions of Violence against Women in Mexico.” The Oxford Encyclopedia of Crime, Media, and Popular Culture. Ed. Henry N. Pontell. Oxford University Press. 2017.

“Ciudad Juárez as a Palimpsest: Searching for Ecotestimonios.” Pushing the Boundaries of Latin American Testimony: Metamorphoses and Migrations. Eds. Louise Detweiler and Janis Breckenridge. New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. 181-200.


Raynor, Cecily and Rhian Lews, eds. Digital Encounters: Envisioning Connectivity in Latin American Cultural Production. University of Toronto Press, 2023.

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